April 17, 2007

WDIV reporter Rod Meloni reviews Wayne State\'s security measures

Reporter Rod Meloni visited the dispatch center of Wayne State's police department and reviewed the university's security measures that are in place. In a story that aired during the 6 p.m. newscast, Meloni pointed out that all police agencies throughout Michigan may be contacted by WSU's dispatch center if necessary. WSU sergeant George Cool demonstrated the "Lock-Down" device that, if activated, will lock 85 percent of the buildings on campus barring anyone from entering. Due to fire code regulations, occupants of the building may exit. WSU Police Chief Tony Holt said that in an emergency situation, the entire campus community may be contacted through the campus watch system, university-wide e-mail distribution and the Dean of Students Office. Officers also will cruise the streets to secure the campus. A graphic was shown during the 11 p.m. newscast listing the major security measures employed in a crisis situation.

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